If you are working with other CAD systems, importing and exporting CAD data is a very important function. Engineers need to be able to work with many different formats, and they need a CAD system that handles changes in those files well. Thanks to a recent Onshape update, updating imported geometry has never been easier. Let’s take a look.
Let’s look at the example below. Here we import a water spigot into Onshape. Our goal is to build a test fixture. Of course, we start by importing the model of the water spigot.
Then we build our fixture and assemble it with the rest of the test equipment.
But now, what happens when changes are made to the file we imported from its original CAD system?
The answer is we need to update the import in Onshape.
To do this, simply right-click the tab for the imported file and choose the “Update” option. Then browse to the new version of the file and import it. The file name does not need to match the original.
Onshape will automatically update geometry referencing the imported file. This means that your Onshape-designed fixture will update when the file you imported has changed.
The ability to update imported geometry means it is easier than ever to use Onshape to work alongside other CAD systems.
If you work with a lot of files from other CAD systems, hopefully this tip will make your updating process easier.