Download the Onshape Mobile App

IOS Android

Onshape Free is a fully featured CAD and PDM platform perfect for open-source projects, makers, hobbyists and those learning to use modern CAD. This no-cost plan is meant for creating non-commercial product designs that are open-source publicly online.

Functionality includes:

  • Professional-grade tools for designing parts, assemblies, drawings, sheet metal, and weldments.
  • Instant access on any device (PC, Mac, Linux, Chrome, iPad, iPhone, and Android).
  • Easy file sharing and collaboration (similar to Google Docs).
  • Built-in data management (PDM) that tracks all design changes.

Sign Up Today

      0 - uss-start-free
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    "startScreen": "free-plan"
  "emailType": null,
  "emailCheckCode": null,
  "isDiscoEligible": null,
  "intent": null,
  "persona": null,
  "personaDetails": null,
  "gradeLevel": null,
  "chosenPlan": null,
  "completedDetailsScreens": [],
  "isChooseOwnPlan": false,
  "submitFormResult": null,
  "isErroredOut": false,
  "isEduRenew": false,
  "isProUpgrade": false,
  "emailStatus": null,
  "formSubmitStatus": null,
  "resolutionActions": [],
  "firstName": null
Take our survey! Here are is an optional followup question.

Develop Your Personal Design Skills

Learning CAD has never been easier or more fun! Take advantage of the self-paced training courses, tutorials and videos in the online Onshape Learning Center. Share your projects and ideas, and receive valuable feedback from fellow designers in the engaging Onshape Forums.


For Startups & Entrepreneurs

Are you a startup with an innovative product idea? Explore the Onshape Program for Startups and Entrepreneurs to learn how you could quality for Onshape Professional at no cost.



For Content Creators

Are you a content creator looking for a CAD system to use for your videos? The Onshape Creator Program provides compensation and other benefits to qualified content creators. Learn more and apply here.