We're more than halfway through September and are due for another Onshape release. Let's take a look at some new features.

Remember: The updates listed here are now live for all users when creating new Documents. Over the next few days, these features will also be available in Documents created before this update.

General Improvements

Derived Preserves Active Sheet Metal Models

The Derived tool includes a new option to Preserve active sheet metal models. Selecting this option maintains the bend table and flat pattern for the derived component, so you may continue to edit the component as a native sheet metal part.

Indication of Under-Constrained Sketches

Any under-constrained sketches in your Part Studios are now indicated in the Feature list with an icon and a tooltip.

Repair Manager - Support for Configuration Changes

The Repair manager now maintains consistency between the Part Studio and the Repair manager panel, even when changing configurations.

Repair Manager

Named Positions - Mate Feature Cross-Highlight

When working with a Named position table, hovering over a mate now cross-highlights the mate feature in the Features list and shows the mate on the model in the graphics area.

Named Positions

User-Defined Override Fit Class Tolerance (Drawings)

You may now fully customize and manually override a Fit class tolerance dimension on a drawing. From the Tolerance display, select the Override precision/tolerance checkbox, and then select User defined.

User-Defined Override Fit Class Tolerance (Drawings)

Drawing Style Panel - Sketched Objects

The Drawing Style panel now supports sketched objects, such as lines, circles, rectangles, and splines.

Drawing Style Panel - Sketched Objects

Enterprise Improvements

Structure View

A new Structure view option is now available from the Documents page.

Structure view shows the latest released components, with all contained references indented below. The top-level node shown in Structure view will always reside in the selected folder you have navigated to, but the references below are shown exactly as they are in the structure of the design, even if they reside in separate documents and in other folders. Structure view is a new way to quickly understand a full reference tree, properties, and revision history for your complete product.

NOTE: Structure view is available today for companies using Onshape Enterprise. However, we expect to add it for companies using Professional licenses in a future release.

Analytics - Filter by Document in Release Audit

The Release Audit report now includes a filter for Document, allowing you to quickly look at all releases contained in just one or more documents of your choosing.

Analytics - Filter by Document in Release Audit

Analytics - Dark Mode

Enterprise Analytics now maintains consistency with Onshape dark mode.

Analytics - Dark Mode

Render Studio Improvements

Transform Element

It is now possible to Transform all element types in Render Studio scenes with the exception of faces. Rotation and scaling transforms now take place around an origin point automatically placed at the center of all of the selected elements.

Transform Element

Hidden and Suppressed Improvements

Performance improvements have been implemented in this release to make hiding and showing parts in a Render Studio faster than before.

Additionally, components can now be suppressed or unsuppressed in a Render Studio. Unlike hiding a component (which is a per-user/session action), suppressing or unsuppressing an element persists across sessions. See the Help Documentation for more details.

Duplicate Appearance

You may now easily duplicate an appearance from the Appearances list’s right-click context menu. This is extremely useful for any appearances you have heavily customized. You can duplicate the appearance to make a variation, without having to recreate it from scratch.

Duplicate Appearance

Performance - Applying Appearances

Changes have been made to how part, assembly, and subassembly appearance data is handled. You will find improved performance when assigning appearances to a large number of elements at once. This change also help with loading times in Render Studios with a large number of parts and appearances.

Dark Mode for Render Studios

Dark mode support has been extended to include Render Studio.

Dark Mode for Render Studios

FeatureScript Improvements

Custom Tables on Drawings

FeatureScript custom tables can now be placed directly in Onshape Drawings.

FeatureScript custom tables can now be placed directly in Onshape Drawings.

Filter FeatureScript Notices

It is now possible to search and filter notices directly in the FeatureScript notices panel.

Filter FeatureScript Notices

Text Reference Parameter

You may now import a .TXT file as a string to be used as a reference parameter in your custom features.

Text Reference Parameter

Learning Center Improvements

Intro to Part Studios Course

In our ongoing effort to improve the material offered in the Learning Center, we have added the Introduction to Part Studios course. This will be a complete replacement for the previous Part Modeling in Part Studios course. It has a completely new layout including new videos and exercises.

Please take a moment to try out these new features and improvements and leave your comments in the Onshape Forums post. For a detailed list of all the changes in this update, please see the changelog.

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