In this latest update, we've focused on adding some highly requested, additional sharing permissions, some nice improvements to the Documents page, and improved interoperability with older 2D CAD systems. Sign in or refresh your browser to try out the new features. Enjoy!

Part Studio Thumbnails & Grid View in Documents Page

The thumbnail image on the Documents page now shows all visible sketch, plane, and helix features, making it much easier to visualize Part Studios that only contain sketches or construction geometry. You can also use Grid View to see thumbnails of all your Documents at the same time.

Mirror Feature

In addition to Face and Part Mirror, you can now also mirror by feature. This makes it easier to select multiple features and mirror them at the same time. For non-symmetrical parts, the mirrored feature will behave as if it had been built manually, so features like extrudes and fillets will adapt to the geometry around them.

Mate Display

Selecting mates in the Assembly tree will now highlight the parts in the graphics area and in the tree, making it easier to determine which parts are mated together. Relations such as gears will also highlight the mates in the tree, so you don’t have to edit the relation to see which mates were used. When you select edges or faces on a Part in an Assembly and use the Switch To context menu, the selected geometry will remain selected when the Part Studio tab opens, so you can now easily find what you’re looking for in a Part Studio that contains many parts.

No sign-in and view only Share permissions

A new Share option, called “Can view,” has been added which allows your recipients to view and measure your Document, but prevents them from sharing, copying, or exporting. You can now also share your designs with others who don’t have an Onshape account, using “Link”. You can copy the link to the clipboard and send that link by email or other means. By simply clicking on the link, anyone can view or measure your Document without needing an Onshape account. Of course, you can revoke access at any time.

DXF/DWG Export Options for Drawings

When exporting drawings in DWG or DXF formats, you can now select which version to export to. This provides additional compatibility with older 2D CAD and CAM systems.

And the rest

  • You can now set Part Studio Properties by right-clicking the Part Studio tab and selecting Properties. This process is now consistent across Part Studios, Assemblies, and Drawings.

  • The Create version button () now displays the Create version dialog, giving you the opportunity to add a name and description, set Properties for the entire Document, or cancel without creating a version.

  • 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse and CadMouse devices are now officially supported for Onshape on Mac OS. Download the latest drivers from

We hope you enjoy using these new features – and as always, all feedback is welcome. We're already hard at work on the next round of updates for you!